Journal Article Publishing: Sources of Data and the associated Data Analysis Procedures

Journal Article Publishing: Sources of Data and the associated Data Analysis Procedures

Once a researcher can identify what they would love to focus on when publishing a journal, they may seek to source for data. Before you can partake in journal article publishing, then you need to know the various data sources and how to use them well. It is also highly advisable that you group multiple data sources to the associated qualitative data analysis approach.

  • Talking

When it comes to talking, you are engaging with your listener on a one on one basis. In this case, you can get the behavioral patterns of the person you are engaging with and get something worthwhile to include in your journal.

  • Drawings/Photographs

I would love to refer to these as the secondary data analysis techniques. You are exposed to a lot of detail here and hence have to be very keen to include the maximum information you would need for that journal article publication.

  • Observations

In every field, you need to be keen on details worthwhile and you gain that via observation. With this as a source of data for your journal articles, there are several data analysis techniques methods that you are targeting. We have domain analysis, componential something, and latent content analysis.

  • Documents

There are engaging documents that you may use to get information. They could be other journals, publications, articles, magazines and many others. You need to be able to capture the most relevant engaging details from these documents. The data analysis technique involved here is text mining.

  • Questionnaires

This data source is more of a personalized face to face or non-supervised method which can prove very helpful. With surveys, whether closed or open-ended, the informants are able to express their feedback. The data analysis method that is employed here is conversation analysis.

  • Recordings

You may not be able to get your information on the go but it may be recorded to help you out in journal article publishing. This is a primary source of data and it is, therefore, first-hand, fresh from the informants. Such a form of a data source provides insight into the biases, fantasies, political attitudes, and the oral histories of the people involved. The data analysis method involved here is observational analysis.

  • Speeches

You could derive your information from addresses. This would happen when you have attended a rally that is political in nature for instance. This is a primary source of data as you are receiving information first hand. In the case where you are receiving a speech that is being delivered by someone who had been in the journal article publication scene. you are most likely to get the most relevant information.

It is upon you like the journal article writer top know which source is more suitable for you. It may be more comfortable when you have classified either of them as primary or secondary. After you have done so, you can follow the above data sources, to know the right one for your journal article publishing.

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