School Feeding Program Implementation and Students’ Discipline in Twelve Years Basic Education in Rwanda


  • Mukamana Laurence Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University



The effective implementation of school feeding program plays a significant role in the promotion of students’ retention and disciple in general. The purpose of this study therefore, sought to determine the effect of school feeding program implementation on students’ discipline in twelve years basic education in Nyarugenge district in Rwanda. This study employed correlation research design. The target population of this study was 194 people corresponding to the sample size of 131respondents by using Solvin’s formula. Questionnaire and guided interview were used as data collection instruments. The findings revealed that the implementation of school feeding influences the students’ discipline at 64.9% as indicated by the R-Square. The findings also revealed that timely food provision, meal/snacks provision. Community participation and functional monitoring and evaluation system as well as school feeding management can improve students’ discipline. It was concluded that effective implementation of school feeding program influences students’ discipline somewhere between 49.2 percent and 78.2 percent. The study concludes that the implementation of the school feeding program has a significant positive impact on student discipline in the 12-year basic education system in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda. Teachers largely agree that the program has merits, from timely submission of assignments to community involvement in feeding initiatives. The study recommends that Ministry of Education in Rwanda should consider standardizing the school feeding program across all schools in the 12-year basic education system. In addition, it is crucial for educational planners to work in collaboration with school administrators to develop strategies that strengthen student discipline through the school feeding program. This may include training programs for school staff on how to effectively manage and monitor the feeding program, as well as creating channels for parents to be more involved, given their crucial role in the program's success. Daily oversight by school principals, as well as regular feedback mechanisms, should be put in place to ensure that the program is achieving its goals, both in terms of nutrition and student discipline.

Keywords: Student, discipline, School feeding, students’ discipline and school feeding program.

Author Biographies

Mukamana Laurence , Mount Kenya University

Post graduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala , Mount Kenya University

Program leader and research coordinator, school of education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Laurence , M., & Andala , H. O. (2023). School Feeding Program Implementation and Students’ Discipline in Twelve Years Basic Education in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 6(3), 58–72.




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